Mechanical Engineering Society's Annual General Meeting Sets the Stage for a Successful Year Ahead!

Mechanical Engineering Society's Annual General Meeting Sets the Stage for a Successful Year Ahead!
The Mechanical Engineering Society of the University of Peradeniya recently held its Annual General Meeting in physical and online settings in the New Mechanical Building seminar room on 8th December 2022 at 6.30 PM, with the participation of professors, office bearers and undergraduates of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Several staff members, including The Head of the Department, Prof. Asanga Ratnaweera, Dr Ubaya Higgoda, Dr Primal Fernando, Dr I. W. Kulathunga, and Dr Lekha Bakmeedeniya, were among the attendees.
This meeting was held to appoint the new office bearers for the new term and to plan new initiatives to enhance the quality of Education and Research. The AGM provided members with an opportunity to discuss the society's plans for the coming year and to voice their opinions on the society's activities, policies and the direction in which it should be heading.
The meeting began with a welcome speech by the President, Mr Tharana Wasalaarachchi of the previous term and an overview of the department’s accomplishments over the past years was delivered by the Senior President of the society, Prof. Asanga Ratnaweera. The minutes of the previous AGM were presented by Mr G.G.A.D. Madushanka on behalf of the Secretary Mr Nadeera Ukwatta. The Vice President for the term 2021/22, Mr K.K. Wagachchi presented the summary of work carried out by MES throughout the term. He mentioned all the hands-on experience workshops and webinars carried out by the society for the betterment and self-improvement of the undergraduates.
New office bearers were selected, and Prof. Asanga Ratnaweera was elected as the Senior President for the new term 2022/23, and Dr Primal Fernando was elected as the Senior Treasurer. Mr C.H. Kannangara was elected as the President of the society for the new term 2022/23, and Ms W.S.N. Herath, Mr G.G.A.D. Madushanka, Mr N.T. Dedigamuwa and Mr W.A.H.M. Perera were respectively elected as the Secretary, Vice President, Junior Treasurer and Editor for the new term. Two committee members were also selected from each batch.
The society is open to all Mechanical Engineering students, regardless of their specialisation, so the AGM was an excellent opportunity to learn from each other's experiences. Undergraduates from E16 and E17 batches spoke about their experiences in the previous years and how Covid affected the society-activities. They shared their thoughts on the field visits and project activities organized by the society, where they were able to expand their knowledge of industry and research activities.
The newly elected President, Mr C.H. Kannangara expressed some ideas and plans for the upcoming year. He focused on providing members with resources to help them gain the skills necessary for success in the industry, as well as organizing events that would allow members to gain practical experience.
Dr Primal Fernando, Dr Ubaya Higgoda, Dr Indrani and other lecturers expressed their views on the various initiatives to be implemented, such as a project symposium, field visits, competitions etc. Overall, the meeting was a success, with a productive exchange of ideas between the staff members and the students.
The AGM concluded with votes of thanks, presented by the newly appointed Secretary for the board members, stating the commitment to continue the society's efforts to support its members. The event proved highly successful, allowing members to network, exchange ideas, and enhance their professional development.
Written by: W.S. Nethmini Herath